Healthy, Adaptive, Joyous: I help folks name the truth about how hard church life is these days. Being honest is the starting point for freeing up considerable energy locked up in denial, fear, and grief. A healthy community learns and changes, opening new channels for ministry. Nobody can promise outcomes; that’s always been God’s business anyways, not ours. There is great hope (and even joy!) for those who would share the journey (H.A.J.!)

First we need to be courageous in speaking to one another…

Your church wasn’t doing well even before COVID. Nor was your Presbytery! We are all struggling like never before. The pandemic was brutal, stressful, and in many ways creative. Looking around the sanctuary we are still in shock. Our congregations have aged 10 years since 2020. Grief pervades our worship and community life, clouding decision making, weighing down leadership,

Your Pastor feels this all too keenly but is reluctant to talk openly about it for fear of unduly discouraging the congregation. Your Presbytery leadership sees this even more clearly due to the unbelievable universality of this experience. We need leadership to step forward telling the hard truths about the state of the church. There are ways ahead!

Let me come shepherd your congregation or Presbyter for a few seasons while we do the creative work of Transitional Ministry. We will revisit the past in in re-framing and energizing manner. We will look creatively at how we are seen beyond our walls and gain a new perception of our work. We’ll strengthen the body in fellowship and worship while we’re doing it all.

It’s better if we can share the journey together. Healthy, Adaptive, Joyous.

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